
Welcome to the Blog: Blast the Plast

Welcome to the blog!

We are glad you came by. We wanted to let you know that we are happy that you landed on our blog and took the time to check out what we are all about – very much appreciated. Thank you! Danke! Tack! Takk! ( up to you to figure out which one is the German, Swedish or Icelandic translation )

As evidently as it seems and our title spoils already – we try to make our schools plastic free – not an easy but really fun challenge!

We know that it is essential and crucial to work together globally to eliminate plastic pollution and its toxic impacts on people and the environment and thereby preserve our resources. As a result of the project, we are trying to make the link between plastic pollution and climate change more apparent to our classmates aka us – the future generation. We want to draw the attention to the growing concerns about the high consumption of plastic and its impact on the environment.

Don’t be scared: We don’t preach, we don’t judge we don’t stigmatize. We are just curious and eager to find out more about the topic and happy to letting you join us on our adventure and keep you up to date. As everyone knows – Teamwork makes the dream work.

Our blog is where you will find articles written by students grade 8-10 that volunteered to take on the journey to become plastic ambassadors and blasting the plast in Germany, Iceland and Sweden. We are looking forward to sharing current and exciting news, fascinating facts, our travel adventures, fun DIY hacks for a more sustainable lifestyle and of course all the lessons we’ve learned along the way. We are also always looking forward to getting your input and feedback (as long as it is constructive, thank you very much in advance!).

We are well aware of the fact that no one can do everything, but hey – everyone can do something, right?

So have fun and thank you for your time!